The company adheres to the ultimate design concept and exquisite craftsmanship perfect combination, from the visual impact and enjoyment of beauty, for each customer to create their own style, so that you are different. The products are designed to convey the combination of beauty of things and people and the profound meaning and connotation of love and eternity of the products.

2001 Ieftop Jewellery was established in Yiwu, the first day of turnover was 6.1 RMB.

2003 Ieftop Jewellery launched the golden peach heart necklace, which was very popular.

2004 National headquarters was established in Yiwu

2005 The company recruited many excellent designers nationwide and set up a professional design team.

2007 Ieftop A series was launched, the design style was a great success, and since then it has formed a family design.

In 2010, Ieftop leaves series was launched, which is full of vigour and hope.

2014 Ieftop platform was upgraded and a new showroom was opened.

2018 Hong Kong branch was set up, with a number of internationally renowned designers joining the company, and the formation of a diversified international design team, which made the company's product research and development capabilities to a higher level, in preparation for the opening of the international market.

2020 Ieftop A2 series was launched as the symbol of the new era.